December has been a busy month working to get all open UPS grievances settled. We had a productive Monthly Membership meeting even though most of our UPS Members had to work. Several Members listened in via Zoom to our meeting this month.
The IBT held a UPS Shop Steward Update Meeting on Sunday, December 18, 2022. This conference call provided good information about the timeline of our upcoming contract and the need to keep our Members involved.
Business Agent, Tommy Pintacuda was selected to be on the Union Negotiating Committee for our AAPGC UPS Supplement. Tommy is excited about the opportunity to negotiate a contract with UPS and work hard to attain the necessary changes that we need.
Secretary-Treasurer, Brian Ball conducted contract ratification votes with our Members at DFA-PET Dairy in Asheville & Lenoir. The Members ratified the contract and we are awaiting the results from the other four (4) Locals involved.
Business Agent, Tommy Pintacuda has installed new Union bulletin boards at our new US Foods locations (Fletcher & Lenoir). We are working hard to ensure these Members get as much information as possible about the Union.